Friday, February 29, 2008


This afternoon when I start my work I notice that I can't feel the presence of Jesica. I asked Bryan (Jesica's partner ) where is Jesica, he said that she going home early because she had a headache. . AT that moment the morning shift still busy counting their sales . Aries is the one who do that because Bryan accept a typing job. When Aries finish to counting, he suddenly wondered because the sales of morning shift has lost P130.00. I also wondering why? I asked Bryan about the said money. Bryan said that he also didn't know because this morning my boss asked him to pay the bills at bank then at 2 o'clock in the afternoon he came back at that time Jesica is already left . Aries is really wondering where the money go? He ask me what should he do? I tell him that he need to write down the money lost in their sales so that our boss knows about this. After that I also count the Petty cash ( cash drawer) we use this money so that we can easily change the customer money before I start my work because its already 4pm. When Aries inform it to my boss about the lost money she said that why P130.00 only? it suppose to be 200.00 will be lost because I secretly get that money.:-)

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