Friday, January 25, 2008

Mayor DUterte Doing good

Davao City’s strict and good governance and with city’s prime mayor’s one-of-a-kind love and dedication to public service, this city has now in my opinion the most peaceful city in Mindanao, or perhaps, in the whole Philippines. I salute Mayor Duterte’s power and control so much!Because of Mayor DUterte the Davao CIty less crime happening in Davao City, and I even don’t fear walking alone in the city late at nights. I would even have my wallet peeping largely in the back pocket and yet the place just seems too safe to be feared of, from pickpockets, snatchers, and the like. He also publish the law of smoke-free ordinance makes it a healthy place to live in. This is one decree that every city should implement also. Smoking is stalwartly prohibited in public places and lawbreakers are immediately dealt upon once known. Smoking is only allowed in private places such as homes: when one smokes outside his home or territory, he will be penalized. Davao City has been hailed the second most livable city in Asia.

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